Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Story

So where to begin? I started purchasing Beachbody programs in 2006, 2 years after the birth of my 2nd son. My first purchase was Slim in 6 …I saw an informercial @ 2 am one morning and I just had to have it. I ordered online and received the program within a week. At the time I had a neighbor that lived next door to me and we decided that we would work out together. She had just had a baby and was looking to get rid of the excess weight…well so was I, I was just two years late…lol! We took our before pictures and we all set to go…so we thought! We probably worked out for a total of 2 weeks, but our schedules never lined up and we were not motivating each other. At the time I was not aware of the message boards and felt like I didn’t have anyone to look to for support. So there Slim in 6 sat on the shelf…

My next purchase from Beachbody was Power 90, I am still not quite sure why I ordered that one. I think in was mainly for my husband…but neither of us completed the 90 day. So another program sitting to collect dust…I just was not serious and motivated enough yet.

Another sleepless night while watching TV, I saw Turbo Jam, produce by none other than Beachbody. The workouts looked fun and the music was rockin’…I HAD TO HAVE IT!!! I was pumped. When it arrived I couldn’t wait to bust it open and get started. Once I started I continued to do the workouts…I purchased the Turbo Jam LIVE and the maximum results package as well. I love to mix and match the workout and looked forward to something new everyday. After about 4 or 5 weeks, I fit nicely into size 6 pants…I was so happy! And guess what…I STOPPED!?!? Needless to say the weight came back. I had never changed my eating habits, so my body went back to the post-pregnancy look.

I was building a library of workout programs that I never completed. You would think that I was done purchasing right? WRONG!!! I purchased P90X last year. My husband was looking to tone up and get definition in his body so I got it for him. I decided that I would attempt to complete the 90 days…even though I had not been working out in about a year. What was I thinking?? I could not move after 2 days…it was sooo hard on my body and I gave up. My husband still utilizes the DVD and the workouts that he wants to and uses the pull-up bar almost on a daily basis. My I was doing nothing. And I felt myself letting my weight and body get out of control.

So on January 1st, 2010, I did like everybody else does and I decided that I was going to make a change. I was going to start working one a healthier and better me. My first thing I did was stop drinking soda!! And I am proud to say that I have had a total of 3 (yes 3) sodas since January!! I committed to drinking mainly water throughout the day. My motivation was to lose the excess weight (about 30 lbs) before my 30th b-day in July…so I started working out again. Originally I was using the Wii Active that I received for Christmas, but decided that I needed something a little more challenging. On February 1st, I started P90X again. This time I looked for motivational support. The YouTube videos were great…this is where I found Demi Bean and Barbie Decker. Their transformations really inspired me and gave me the motivation to know that I can do it too. I signed up on Barbie’s team and started to connect with people via FaceBook and one the Beachbody message boards. I was getting through my entire workouts with P90X, but I felt like I was bulking up instead of slimming down. So at the advice of Barbie I decided to stop with P90X and began to use Slim in 6 again. I am in my 2nd week of SI6 and let’s just say I LOVE working out!! Not only do I use the BB message boards as my motivation, but I also use FB. I talk about fitness and clean eating all the time now. So I made the next logical move…I became an Independent BeachBody Coach!!! I’m using coaching as my motivation to keep pushing play! I have a plan and fitness has become a part of my life now…I will get through at least 1 round of all of the BB programs I have on my shelf, by the end of this year!!! Watch out world Stephanie is going to have a Beachbody!!!

Bringing it Everyday!!


  1. You go girl!!! That's a wonderful story full of ups and downs, and makes it REAL for everyone, because no one is perfect! But most importantly through all this you found what worked for YOU! That is a beautiful thing my dear! Keep working hard! :) :)

  2. Thank you Demi! I am so happy that I found people to help me stay motivated. I look forward everyday to pushing play!! Thank you for inspiring me!

  3. I saw Demi and Barbie's youtube transformations and they were VERY inspiring. I started p90x in Dec and will finish in 4 days. I too felt like I was bulking up although I was losing inches I wasnt losing the pounds that I wanted to lose after having a baby at 41 almost a year ago (March 19, 2009). I look in the mirror and see a smaller person and I can wear all of my jeans now and I like what I see but I want a more definition. So I'm starting over and this time I'm doing the lean version so I can get more cardio. I also started a blog when I started p90x at I'm switching it over to in abt a week. I too am a coach as well. I will cont to follow your journey. Good luck

  4. Thank you Angela! And welcome to my blogspace!
