Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Choices are you going to make

As we get ready for our clean eating challenge tomorrow, what choices have you made about your nutrition?? Have you planned to be successful or are you going to try and "wing it". Well let me tell you, most people are successful in achieving their goals when they make a plan. It is so easy to fall back on old habits, if you don't write down your goals. In order to be successful in this challenge you need to plan your meals ahead...remember not to let yourself "feel" hungry, otherwise it is too late. Often times when we are hungry and we don't have a plan, we choose the wrong things to eat.

Another thing you want to do is write down your goals...having them on paper (or computer) makes them more real. Print them out and hand them on the refrigerator and pantry door, so that every time you choose something to eat, you are aware of your goals and make the right choices. Personally I would get rid of all of the junk that you know that will get you into trouble. MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES!! You don't want all of the work that your are doing in your workouts to go unnoticed because you aren't eating right! Eat from the top 2 tiers of Michi's Ladder and you will have NO problems!!

I am so excited for this challenge. I've written down my about you?

20 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Dear Boys and Girls,

Here is the information on the challenge I was telling you all about. It was created by my coach Barbie!

Back by popular demand: Another 20-Day Clean Eating Challenge.

DATES: MONDAY, MARCH 29th until (and including) SATURDAY, APRIL 17th, 2010.

If you adhere to these guidelines, you will see big changes. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF little slips here and there. But if you fall, pick yourself up again. It’s consistency and not perfection that gets you to your ideal body!



1. You PRESS PLAY Five or Six Times a week, depending on your program.

If you are not doing a beachbody workout, you should aim to do 3 resistance days and 2-3 cardio days. (Note: my experience is with Beachbody products. For that reason I can’t design a gym workout program for you.)


3. No additional cheat snacks. ONE CHEAT MEAL PER WEEK. PERIOD.


4. You MUST report daily for the preceding day on the EVENT page on facebook. Feel free to post comments, questions, struggles, triumphs here. We’re in this together! You can friend me on facebook:

5. You have until Tuesday morning to take your measurements AND pictures. You don’t have to post them, but you do have to take them. A lot of times you won’t lose pounds, but your body will change. Don’t miss that event!


Are you ready?



RULE 1: You eat 4 to 6 small meals per day, ideally breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. That means that you are eating every 2 to 3 hours.

Your body needs to be fueled. Eating only breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not okay.

RULE 2: You eat at least 1250 calories (unless you are less than 5 feet tall). I am putting this down because this challenge is about eating clean and being healthy, not about starving yourself.

A few people have asked me if I eat very low calories. For the record, I eat about 1800 to 2000 calories per day these days!

RULE 3: This is more like a guideline than a rule. You follow something close to a 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat diet. For those of you doing carb manipulation or following a special plan for diabetics, that’s fine, too. Again, I just don’t want folks to think they are eating clean if they eat 4 bowls of cereal per day. Your meals have to be balanced.

If you need a meal plan, email me or ask your coach. If you are BB Club Member, you can print one out. It’s up to you to substitute foods from Michi’s Ladder. I’m super busy guys, so please don’t ask me to figure this stuff out for you.

RULE 4: This is the real challenge part: YOU EAT ONLY FROM THE TOP 2 TIERS of MICHI’S LADDER 6 DAYS A WEEK. That means that you cannot have bagels for breakfast nor frozen yogurt for a snack. Top 2 tiers. Period.

I see that bagels are now in the top two tiers. I would stay away from them, but if they are in the top two tiers you can have it.

To See Michi’s Ladder, sign on to your teambeachbody account. Go to EAT SMART Tab and you’ll find it there.

If you are not a FREE BeachBody community member, go to to join so you can have access to Michi’s Ladder. I will also become your free coach.

NOTE: When I first came up with this challenge, I was afraid that it would be too restrictive. But, our results speak for themselves. That said, this is the challenge and these are the rules. If you accept to enter it, then you also accept to enter the NO WHINING ZONE!

Another NOTE: If you are prone to having eating issues or tend to get too obsessive with food, perhaps this challenge is not for you. You might do better to stick to something less restrictive.

Are you ready?

Bring it!

**** ADDENDUM: Shakeology, Recovery drink, protein supplements, coffee, natural almond/peanut butter, and almond milk are ALLOWED. *******

For women, and this is MY PERSONAL OPINION, who are trying to lose weight, I would stay clear of the recovery drink. After resistance workouts I have a meal replacement shake. It can be Shakeology or another kind of meal replacement.

Here is a sample of Barbie's Personal Meal Plan....just to give you an idea.

PART III of III: Barbie’s PERSONAL Meal Plan

Note: What I don’t eat:
Actually, there are other things I don’t eat…see below.

Basically, if it’s not on my menu listed here, I don’t eat it. So, while almond milk is good for you and so is whole grain cereal, I just don’t eat it. It works for me and it doesn’t mean you have to or should do that. If you eat from the top two tiers of Michi’s Ladder, you’re good to go. If you want to achieve elite fitness, then, yea, MAYBE you have to give up certain things. Again, this is what works for ME. I do not feel deprived. I’m a pretty boring person who doesn’t mind repetition.

I do allow myself one cheat meal per week. That means that I do eat dairy, but ONLY during that cheat meal. I gave up alcohol altogether.

Barbie’s Meal Plan: (about 1700 to 1900 calories, more or less. I haven’t counted lately)

Cardio, one hour in the morning,
If it’s very early, I will have a meal replacement shake


1/2 cup oats (which I then cook)
6 egg whites

2 hours later
2 brown rice cakes
1 tsp almond butter on each (no salt on rice cakes and raw almond butter)
scoop of BB whey protein with water. Yum!

protein: 6 ounces of chicken, fish, eggs. Here is where you need to vary it up. Try different veggies, different fish, spices, etc.

2 tablespoons of hummus
cup or two of veggies
scoop of protein and water

1 or 2 cup of veggies and protein (Again, vary it up!) about 6 ounces

dinner2: (about two hours later)
1-2 cups of veggies and protein (about 6 ounces)

Before bed:
1 scoop of whey protein with Casein in it. Available at GNC.
1 scoop of creatine.

AFTER RESISTANCE WORKOUT, usually in the afternoon, I have my shakeology or meal replacement.

I hope this helps!

To Your Success!

So join me in this challenge and watch the pounds melt away!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shakeology Cleanse

Hello People!
So I have been hearing about this Shakeology cleanse and I HAD to know what it was about. So what did I do...yep you guessed it, I googled it!! I found a lot of different variations of the cleanse, so I kind of "tweaked" it to work for me.

I started Monday morning with my Chocolate Shakeology, banana and 1 tblsp of natural peanut butter. I made a double batch, I had one for breakfast and the other for lunch. I also had an apple for each snack throughout the day. For dinner I had a piece of fish (about 5 oz.) and a nice big salad. After reading more about the cleanse I realized that I should have only had the Shakeology with the next couple of days I had them that way. Now everything I read called for 3 shakes, but I only did too...never felt hungry after dinner.

Let me tell you...I have never felt better!! I feel lighter, more energetic and much healthier!! I never felt too hungry during the day! I still had the energy to complete my workouts and everything. This is the best cleanse that I have done...I've done a couple of others in the past. It gives you the right boost you need. Oh and did I mention I lost 3lbs, as well!! BONUS!!!

I think that I will do the cleanse at the end of every month, to jump start the next month!! Now I can get ready to start eating clean again...and just sit back and watch the weight come off!!

Are you with me?? Learn more about the benefits of Shakeology by clicking here!

Until next time...
Bring it!!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Story

So where to begin? I started purchasing Beachbody programs in 2006, 2 years after the birth of my 2nd son. My first purchase was Slim in 6 …I saw an informercial @ 2 am one morning and I just had to have it. I ordered online and received the program within a week. At the time I had a neighbor that lived next door to me and we decided that we would work out together. She had just had a baby and was looking to get rid of the excess weight…well so was I, I was just two years late…lol! We took our before pictures and we all set to go…so we thought! We probably worked out for a total of 2 weeks, but our schedules never lined up and we were not motivating each other. At the time I was not aware of the message boards and felt like I didn’t have anyone to look to for support. So there Slim in 6 sat on the shelf…

My next purchase from Beachbody was Power 90, I am still not quite sure why I ordered that one. I think in was mainly for my husband…but neither of us completed the 90 day. So another program sitting to collect dust…I just was not serious and motivated enough yet.

Another sleepless night while watching TV, I saw Turbo Jam, produce by none other than Beachbody. The workouts looked fun and the music was rockin’…I HAD TO HAVE IT!!! I was pumped. When it arrived I couldn’t wait to bust it open and get started. Once I started I continued to do the workouts…I purchased the Turbo Jam LIVE and the maximum results package as well. I love to mix and match the workout and looked forward to something new everyday. After about 4 or 5 weeks, I fit nicely into size 6 pants…I was so happy! And guess what…I STOPPED!?!? Needless to say the weight came back. I had never changed my eating habits, so my body went back to the post-pregnancy look.

I was building a library of workout programs that I never completed. You would think that I was done purchasing right? WRONG!!! I purchased P90X last year. My husband was looking to tone up and get definition in his body so I got it for him. I decided that I would attempt to complete the 90 days…even though I had not been working out in about a year. What was I thinking?? I could not move after 2 days…it was sooo hard on my body and I gave up. My husband still utilizes the DVD and the workouts that he wants to and uses the pull-up bar almost on a daily basis. My I was doing nothing. And I felt myself letting my weight and body get out of control.

So on January 1st, 2010, I did like everybody else does and I decided that I was going to make a change. I was going to start working one a healthier and better me. My first thing I did was stop drinking soda!! And I am proud to say that I have had a total of 3 (yes 3) sodas since January!! I committed to drinking mainly water throughout the day. My motivation was to lose the excess weight (about 30 lbs) before my 30th b-day in July…so I started working out again. Originally I was using the Wii Active that I received for Christmas, but decided that I needed something a little more challenging. On February 1st, I started P90X again. This time I looked for motivational support. The YouTube videos were great…this is where I found Demi Bean and Barbie Decker. Their transformations really inspired me and gave me the motivation to know that I can do it too. I signed up on Barbie’s team and started to connect with people via FaceBook and one the Beachbody message boards. I was getting through my entire workouts with P90X, but I felt like I was bulking up instead of slimming down. So at the advice of Barbie I decided to stop with P90X and began to use Slim in 6 again. I am in my 2nd week of SI6 and let’s just say I LOVE working out!! Not only do I use the BB message boards as my motivation, but I also use FB. I talk about fitness and clean eating all the time now. So I made the next logical move…I became an Independent BeachBody Coach!!! I’m using coaching as my motivation to keep pushing play! I have a plan and fitness has become a part of my life now…I will get through at least 1 round of all of the BB programs I have on my shelf, by the end of this year!!! Watch out world Stephanie is going to have a Beachbody!!!

Bringing it Everyday!!